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Ffind out how much force is needed to move a lever at different distances from the fulcrum. The purpose of this experiment is to learn whether the amount of force needed to lift an object on one end ...

Find out how the depth of a boat in the water affects its momentum.The purpose of this experiment is to see whether the depth of a boat in the water changes how fast it moves and how straight it sails ...

Determine whether dogs can be trained faster using a food reward or praise.The purpose of this experiment is to see if rewarding wanted behaviors is best achieved through praise or a food reward. Most ...

Observe the surface of a balloon as it pops.The purpose of this experiment is to see what happens to the surface of a balloon in the moment of its explosion.It is an educational content by education.c ...

Understand why planets appear to move backwards at times. The purpose of this experiment is to recreate the movement of planetary bodies in order to learn why they sometimes appear to move backwards ...

Find out the circumference of the earth using the shadow of the sun.The purpose of this experiment is to see if the distance around the earth can be measured using shadows.It is an educational content ...

Many people struggle their entire lives with weight control. There are many different diets that people attempt in order to reach their target weight, and different people are able to find success thr ...

Discover whether certain types of rocks are more difficult to break than other types of rocks.The purpose of this experiment is to test various sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks to find out w ...

Find out whether the outcome of a coin flip can be influenced by the person flipping the coin.The purpose of this experiment is to determine first the probability of a coin landing heads or tails and ...

Find out whether ocean water can be made safe to drink.The purpose of this experiment is find out if salt can be removed from ocean water so that it is safe to drink.It is an educational content by ed ...